28th August to 4th September

Monday 30 June 2014

My 12 challenges 12 Months 12 Charities.

Over the years I have done many challenges and there have been some charities that are close to my heart have not raised money until now. Starting on July 19th I will be starting my challenges with a nice cold swim in Manchester. Coming to my 40th birthday felt I needed something to give my fitness and motivation a lift. So here we go..

What challenges would you do ??? Why not start a blog and do the same today!!!!

List of challenges...

19 July will be the first open water swim 1 mile manchester
World bog championships 24th Aug
10 k Run Portsmouth 26 Oct
Porthcawl Christmas swim
Mini triathlon in gym...feb
London Dome March 2015
Ben Nevis Mountain climb March 2015
3 welsh peak challenges April 2015
Coast walk 3 days challenge May 2015.
Assault courses June 2015.
Fire walking july 2015.
Sky dive July 2015.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Mindfulness is the way to live !!

When I was going through a difficult time, I came across a gentleman who lived in my local town called Gareth. As he talked about mindfulness I could feel the passionate and how eager he was to change my life. At that time I could have been given anything to get of the negative state of my mind. Depression can be a slow healer, but I learned that I had accept it first and move forward. When I was told I was given a chance to do a 8 week course, if honest I didn't know what to expect and how it could change my life.The 8 weeks changed my life forever and will be part of my life forever..

Mindfulness can only really be taught by people who live mindfulness and do it everyday part of their lives. It isn't just for people who are depressed, it's a positive coping skill for our stressful living so we can all live in the moment. We sometimes always look back on the past and sometimes so far ahead in the future.. There is so much going on, when really we should all just be focusing on today and enjoying our experience. Mindfulness is being taught to children as young as six years of age and to MPs in the House of Parliament and many sports professionals have used mindfulness to better their chances. Give it a go...it may change your life, it for me and my family.

Mindfulness by Mark Williams Amazon get the book today.

Monday 23 June 2014

Brian Tracy Quotes...

“No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.” - Brian Tracy

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’” - Brian Tracy

“The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.” – Brian Tracy

“All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” - Brian Tracy

“You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile.” - Brian Tracy

“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” - Brian Tracy

“If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings.” - Brian Tracy

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.” - Brian Tracy
“The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term, is the indispensable prerequisite for success.” Brian Tracy

“You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” - Brian Tracy

“Teamwork is so important that it is virtually impossible for you to reach the heights of your capabilities or make the money that you want without becoming very good at it.” - Brian Tracy
“The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance.” – Brian Tracy

“I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.” - Brian Tracy

“Imagine no limitations; decide what’s right and desirable before you decide what’s possible.”  Brian Tracy

“Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality.” - Brian Tracy

“Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear.” Brian Tracy

“Never say anything about yourself you do not want to come true.” - Brian Tracy

“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”  Brian Tracy

“It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going.” - Brian Tracy

50 Cent Embraces Change..

1. 50 Cent Embraces Change

When music piracy was on the rise, the music industry was sweating bullets and taking many music platforms such as Napster and Kazaa to court, doing whatever they could to prevent music from being given away for free.
50 Cent however, didn’t even flinch. He didn’t complain, nor did he negatively address anyone for pirating his music. He saw it as an opportunity to grow. He took to the Mixtape circuit and started unofficially remixing other people’s records, with a twist of his own to spice it up for the streets. People caught on to the remixes and unofficial leaks and fell in love with 50 and his clique G-Unit almost over night. This was the start for the big bang exposure that 50 needed right before his first album release.

2. 50 Cent Is Highly Resourceful

After 50 Cent broke into the music business, he used his earnings to begin investing and buying shares in growing companies. He started his own clothing line and teamed up with Reebok and created the G-Unit sneakers.
The line is now owned by Ecko and is still incredibly successful today. He branched out and started networking with millionaires and billionaires, finding out the best and most lucrative industries to invest his cash.

3. 50 Cent Loves Taking Risks

50 Cent is probably the most famous for his involvement in Glaceau’s Vitamin Water brand. In exchange for endorsing the product, he was awarded a minority stake in the company, and ended up earning over $100 million from Coca-Cola’s $4.1 billion purchase of the brand.
He didn’t have to invest money, but he had to invest his reputation and image, and that is an easy 100 milly if you ask me!

4. 50 Cent is Willing To Give Back

Most recently, 50 Cent switched things up and went the philanthropist route. Using the funds from his energy drink brand, SK Energy Shots, he is now using his products as a way to give back by partnering with Feeding America and SMS Audio. For every pair of SYNC by 50 and STREET by 50 headphones sold online at SMSAudio.com will provide 250 meals that will feed families in America.

50 cent africa

5. 50 Cent Never Sets Limits On What He Can Achieve

Another reason why 50 is such a successful entrepreneur is because he doesn’t place limits on himself. He just recently became officially licensed to become a boxer promoter and signed a deal with Right Guard to develop a body spray, released an energy drink brand as well as a headphone brand. He has even developed a condom line called, Magic Stick Condoms and owns a film company where he acted alongside Bruce Willis, Val Kilmer, Jason Statham & Chase Crawford to name a few.
50 wanted to spread his inspirational story and advice to the masses so he teamed up with Best Selling Author “Robert Greene”. 50 Cent has also co-authored a book with Robert Greene called, “The 50th Law.”
In this case, no matter where you look, 50 Cent has a product for it.

6. 50 Cent Is Self-Reliant

50 Cent lost his mother at a very young age, he never knew his father either. This forced 50 to have to become more independent if he wanted to make it in this world.
Rather than wait and be at the mercy of the entertainment and business industry, 50 created his own opportunities and became his own boss. Instead of depending on others, he became dependent on himself.

7. 50 Cent Stays Engaged With His Fans & Followers

50 Cent continues to engage with his fan base on a regular basis. By keeping his consumers updated on his business ventures, he is ensuring his own success. He updates and communicates with his followers through his Facebook & Twitter accounts frequently and understands that his follower ship is bigger than just his music industry groupies. His potential for success is strong as long as he remains connected to the outside world of his fans, knowing and understanding their needs and wants so that he can position himself in the best businesses possible where there is lucrative investments and high demands.

8. 50 Cent Surrounds Himself With Successful Individuals

There is no doubt that 50 Cent has made a lot of success, but he also acknowledges that he couldn’t have done it by himself. He has built a very strong team around him consisting of successful and knowledgeable people. He delegates tasks to those around him so that he can still go and build himself as a performer, but also be able to seek out the next successful business venture.

Curtis Jackson

9. 50 Cent Stands Proudly Behind His Products

50 will not endorse, promote, or stand behind a product unless he truly believes in it. This has been a major factor in his success as an entrepreneur. If you don’t believe in the product, then there is no bother in endorsing it. 50 Cent believes that if he can’t stand behind something, the public can tell, which will mean varying success.

10. 50 Cent Follows His Passions

And last but not least, 50 Cent pursues his dreams with an incredible amount of passion, making him an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. He believes in himself and has unwavering faith in his work. He is knowledgable and willing to learn more about the industry he is in and never gets too comfortable with what he has.
He only takes on projects that he can relate to and can fully believe in.
Finding his passions and pursuing his dreams allows him to reach the highest level of success

Motiovational Leaders Among Us All!!

Inspirational leaders come through our lives and sometimes we don't feel how amazing they really are until you like back on your life. The gentleman who had an massive impact on my developing was Stan "the man" Norris M.B.E who worked voluntary for 60 years and helped so many people in our valley. Stan helped me when things were tough in school and my confidence was shattered by comments from the teachers who supposed to have given me the confidence. He also entered my life again, when I went through depression in 2011 and become a team making sure football teams were set up in our Ogmore Valley..

The former coal miner dedicated nearly 60 years’ service to the Wyndham Boys’ and Girls’ Club in Ogmore Vale and was honoured in the Queen’s 2007 honours list for his services to young people.

Rob Norris the youngest of six children said..

“He would do anything for anyone. They say they don’t make them like they used to and he is a brand of person that will never come around again.

“He had given his life to making sure his family was provided for.

“He was a fantastic youth leader and sports coach and an all-round gent. Nothing was too big or too small for him.”

Born in London, Stan moved to Alma Terrace, Ogmore Vale, during the war and settled in the valley.

He worked 37 years in the pits and in January 1952 first became involved in the Wyndham Boys’ and Girls’ Club.

Sixty years later, the grandfather-of-eight and great grandfather-of-one was still as heavily involved as ever – still a regular sight marking football pitches or pegging nets for the Boys’ and Girls’ Club’s football matches in Ogmore Vale.

“He would put in a 12-hour shift underground but he wouldn’t go home, he’d go straight down the Boys’ and Girls’ Club,” said Robert, 31.

“It is a huge loss. He did so much work for the club and trying to emulate that is going to be impossible.

“Right up until two weeks ago he was dragging the nets out for the football.”

Stan touched the lives of thousands of youngsters during his 59 years with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club and in 2008 he was awarded an MBE by the Queen for his long-standing contribution to life in the Ogmore Valley.

It is said that on picking up his award, he told Her Majesty Elizabeth II that he had been doing youth work as long as she had been on the throne.

Speaking three years ago after accepting his award, Stan said: “It’s for my wife Connie, everyone who has ever been involved with the club and the Ogmore Valley too.”

Paying tribute to his friend, Ogmore Vale councillor Ralph Shepherd, 59, said: “He was there at the youth club when I went there as a boy and that was 40 years ago.

“He is a true legend in the valley and has been an institution for generations of children in the area.

A year can change your Life!!

When I was sitting in my car , at my lowest point in my life I never dreamed I would be walking down the red carpet with celebrities and being centre of attention. In all 37 years I wouldn't ever think I be sitting and talking next to people who I have grown up while watching them on TV. Remember celebrities are like any one of us and after a while I did get used to it. The biggest Goosebumps I had that night was from the inspirational people who had a made a big impact on so many lives. We all can visualise doing something that we enjoy, but sometimes our eyes are misted by money and that can have a problem hitting the goals.

People have said to me " how much money are you earning" or " what do you get paid" for talks and workshops.. While at the moment nothing, ok I had a big payment off our NHS but feel all that will come into place. After all what do I need, I was earning great money in sales and that didn't make me happy. Think what you would like to be and visualise the image and make it happen. When losing the fear factor and worrying what people think, is one of the keys to your success.. Don't wait until tomorrow, do it TODAY!!