28th August to 4th September

Monday 23 June 2014

A year can change your Life!!

When I was sitting in my car , at my lowest point in my life I never dreamed I would be walking down the red carpet with celebrities and being centre of attention. In all 37 years I wouldn't ever think I be sitting and talking next to people who I have grown up while watching them on TV. Remember celebrities are like any one of us and after a while I did get used to it. The biggest Goosebumps I had that night was from the inspirational people who had a made a big impact on so many lives. We all can visualise doing something that we enjoy, but sometimes our eyes are misted by money and that can have a problem hitting the goals.

People have said to me " how much money are you earning" or " what do you get paid" for talks and workshops.. While at the moment nothing, ok I had a big payment off our NHS but feel all that will come into place. After all what do I need, I was earning great money in sales and that didn't make me happy. Think what you would like to be and visualise the image and make it happen. When losing the fear factor and worrying what people think, is one of the keys to your success.. Don't wait until tomorrow, do it TODAY!!

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